Over Half of Americans Would Kill to Protect Their Loved Ones

English: Grand Duke Mikhail Yaroslavich Being ...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A new survey done by public-opinion research and media consultant company Wenzel Strategies for news outlet World Net Weekly shows unanticipated statistics in Americans' opinions when it comes to the measures necessary for survival within a serious SHTF episode.
A large percentage of those surveyed suspect that within fourteen days of a large SHTF, life-altering disaster, society would be put straight into a life-threatening, every-man-for-himself method of survival that would grow increasingly worse, and precarious, as more time elapsed. Surprisingly, a much larger number of Americans imagine that they don't need to be concerned as to what they'll do in order to get through this type of event... three out of 4 Americans believe they will be dead within two months.
Perhaps the most eye-opening stat of all however, is the fact that 58% of the Americans who were surveyed report that they "would be somewhat or very willing to kill someone if a member of their family was under attack in an emergency" scenario. 50% of that group feel as if within a couple weeks of a major situation, they would be required to protect themselves, their homes, and/or their family members from attacks by what those in the survival preparedness community call "The Golden Horde" -- looters, refugees and other people who have become desperate for things like food, water, medical necessities and gasoline. Just 14% of those questioned said they'd by no means be willing to kill an attacker, no matter what the circumstances.
Fritz Wenzel, head of Wenzel Strategies, warned WND: "Our survey shows that, in the face of this reality, very few Americans are taking steps themselves to prepare for the worst possible scenario." A fact that is glaringly not logical - if we're so convinced something monumental is going to go down, then why is it that most people simply will not prepare for it? Only 11% of individuals polled think of themselves doomsday preppers, while 24% assert they aren't preppers but have an acquaintance who is, and 62% indicating they don't know anyone that they would consider a prepper.
Also interesting, albeit of questionable relevance, is that among preppers close to two times as many are Republicans than are Democrats.
Over fifty percent of the respondents polled stated they expect that a dissolution into social anarchy would happen rather quickly following a major, SHTF disaster. The consensus being that the breakdown of utilities such as the electrical grid would be the main cause for violence amongst survivors.
It's become disturbingly clear that although a significant portion of the American populace concurs that a sizeable catastrophe is imminent, very few individuals have taken the survival preparedness steps recommended to learn how to do without the luxuries and conveniences of modern day life.
John Issac Elm is a freelance writer and the founder of the survival preparedness blog SurvivalPrepHQ. Check out his blog for more interesting, informative articles.

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