Who Has Your Name? Who Has Your Information? Are You Sure You Are Safe?

How safe is your name? Protect it. Do it now! Identity Theft and Identity Fraud are the fastest growing crimes in the world and can have serious consequences.
When our parents name us on our birth certificates we then own our name. What can happen if we are given a popular name?
During a deposition interview the opposing attorney asked me the reason I signed my name with different styles. My answer was that I signed my name to comply with the legal documents if my name was legally represented.
Having the name Patricia is tricky. I am Patricia Ann Hudson Gaines. Hudson is my maiden name. There are times when I am Patricia Ann Gaines. Ann is my birth name. At my birth my mother was not pleased with naming her daughter Patricia; after all my fathers former girlfriend was a Patricia.
My mother agreed to the name, but insisted that I be called Pat. And so it began. My grandmother didn't like Patricia or Pat. She called me Patsy. My sisters must have felt my mother's frustration at my name being Patricia so they called me Sissy.
Good grief this name thing gets complicated. I grew up and finished school. After I entered the work place I learned there were two other people working there named Patricia. My colleagues felt it would be less confusing if they called me Trisha. At another job my colleagues called me Trish because there were other people named Patricia in that business. Later as I moved up in the world, I became Tricia, or Patti, or Patty. One gets accustomed to nicknames as one grows older.
About seven years ago, I lost everything I had worked for including retirement to Identity Theft. At that time people were just not aware of how damaging this crime could become. We were too trusting. Nothing is more dangerous than sincere ignorance.
It took several years for me to heal enough to write. I began submitting articles on the Internet. Naturally I used my name Patricia Gaines. Needing a website and a new email address I couldn't get Patricia Gaines as my name so I just eliminated the I and used Patrca. Not very pretty but it worked.
Working on-line and submitting more articles I learned that there were other authors out there in the literary world named Patricia Gaines. My publisher soon began to publish my work as Patricia A Gaines. And today this seems the end of the Patricia name saga. Or is it? My life isn't over yet.
Our name is precious to us. We must take extra precaution to know how to protect it. Keeping our Identity safe in today's media madness is not complicated. But it does take knowledge. Nothing is more dangerous than sincere ignorance. Become aware of the threat of Identity Theft. It can devastate your life if it happens to you.
Robbers and thieves are lurking in the shadows looking for their prey with intent to steal identity and personal information. They want social security numbers, drivers licenses, bank accounts, medical records.They are predators who are seldom caught. Stay informed of what to beware of in your own life to secure your name and information. If you have been hit by an Identity thief you can learn how to renew hope and start over. If you have not been attacked you can learn how to protect your good name. http://www.patrcagaines.com

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