Wildfire Pepper Spray - Why Is It So Effective?

Last week a woman was attacked in her neighborhood entering her apartment complex. The assailant grabbed her from behind and tossed her to the ground. He tried to cut off the victim's pants with a knife. She was able to spray him in the face with a pepper spray. He took off but the police are still looking for him. Her life was saved by a defensive spray.
Yesterday when I was getting gas at my local Costco, the attendant asked me about defensive sprays and told me a story about her friend who was attacked when she was at a downtown nightclub. She used a defensive spray to defend against the assailant.
These stories provide evidence about how defensive spray can be effective as the first line of defense in an assault situation. When it comes to assault prevention, pepper spray is still the most effective self-defense product you can use.
What makes it so effective? They use a derivative of one of the hottest peppers, cayenne pepper, called oleoresin capsicum or OC. It swells up the membranes in the nose which makes breathing difficult. It also swells the veins of the eyes causing the eyes to close. There's coughing, tearing and shortness of breath. Did I mention there's intense pain?
Most of these sprays are rated at 2 million Scoville Heat Units (SHU) a measurement of hotness in pepper sprays.
Wildfire, on the other hand, has 3 million SHU's so it is fifty percent more effective than normal sprays. It is a non-toxic, non-flammable and non-lethal alternative to deadly force.
Wildfire has more size choices and disbursement method choices like pepper gel, spray and mist than any other spray. It comes in sizes from 1/2 ounce all away up to 16 ounce with the pistol grip. Not only is wildfire more effective than most sprays but is actually less expensive.
Many people mistakenly think that crime can only happen to someone else. I have seen it time and time again in my nearly 6 years experience selling self-defense products. You maybe lucky some of the time but sooner or later chances are pretty good that you're going to be a victim. Don't be paranoid-be prepared!
And remember that pepper spray is legal in all states but some states have restrictions on pepper sprays. Check the Internet or your local sheriff's department first before you get one. We don't want you getting into trouble.
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