New Testament Lies and Deceit

The authorship of the New Testament is one of confusion unless the research is done to prove otherwise. It was during my research into the origin of language and religion that led me to uncover the facts about its origin and they are nothing like what religion teaches. Instead there was a conspiracy afoot to change the nature of God from that portrayed in the Old Testament, or Septuagint, into a man whom the Roman emperor Constantine desired for his own benefits.
The Roman Catholic Church was established by him in 325 AD and it was in complete disharmony with the men who came together at that meeting. They were all sun worshippers who struggled with notions of the Trinity and a birth of a proposed prophet, namely Jesus Christ. They sought answers about how God could be three in one and also if the Son of God was born then where did it happen, how did it happen and when did it happen?
There were no answers to any of these questions. There were also no guidelines to follow so they went back to their respective territories and continued as before. The survival of his organisation forced Constantine to issue decrees for people to worship the cross and the appointed saviour or they were badly tortured or killed. Many were sent to the salt mines while others were blinded or worse.
He built churches in Jerusalem after his mother, Helena, decided on places to nominate as the birth place and crucifixion sites. She returned to Rome with what she declared were the nails that held Jesus Christ to the cross. That was 300 years after the event supposedly happened and after the Romans, under Titus, had completely raised the city to the ground. He also build the Vatican over the temple of Jupiter. The bricks were etched with his initials CC for Claudius Constantine.
His reign of terror did not cease with his death in 337 AD as his son and heir continued the persecution and sought the survival of the religion at all costs. Towards the end of the century the then Bishop of Rome, Damasus, appointed Jerome, a scholar of some renown, to strengthen the Church by giving it credibility and a book that all could work by.
Jerome structured the establishment by setting up feast days, instruments and costumes borrowed from the Imperial Roman religion, another sun worshipping faith. To this day the costumes of the hierarchy still hold images of the sun's rays as do the instruments. He also formulated the laws of the church that are detailed in the Book of Matthew in the New Testament.
His assistant in the production of the New Testament was Augustus, who resisted in Alexandria in Egypt. One sees his hand in the Book of Luke.
Jerome left notes in his diary and letters to Damasus explaining how he changed the Old Testament by adding passages to make it conform to the new one. He also decided on what he considered were true documents to incorporate or copy. In point of fact the conspiracy of which he was a major part was to alter the nature of God from Spirit to a man who was supposedly persecuted and killed by the Romans.
It was also the desire of the religious cohorts to reinforce the notions of heaven and hell and that the Church was appointed by their prophet to speak for and on behalf of the dead Christ. This is still maintained by the organisation that engages in protecting criminals from prosecution and that influences the world with its doctrines.
My research gained momentum with the discovery of a record of documents concerning the bible lies held in the Vatican archives. They proved the conspiracy engaged in by the Roman Catholic Church and the crimes against humanity it engages in.

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