Emperor Constantine and the Great Conspiracy

The opening words of the bible state that the Spirit of God moved over the waters (Genesis 1:2) Elsewhere the nature of the Divine is repeatedly expressed as spirit but Constantine devised a way to turn it into a man. The purpose of his deception was to give credit to his religion that was established at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. As a man the Romans abused and killed it allowed the Roman Catholic Church to gain power over the mind of those it convinces otherwise.
The story is contradictory and an oxymoron. The Romans were a violent, fiercely regimented and dominating force that was greatly feared in every country they invaded and ruled. From the British Isles to Africa and across the East to Persia their grip was one of obey or else. It is hardly the characteristics of a nation that could be chosen to speak for God or to do good for its people.
The tricks employed involve switching the blame of the death of Jesus Christ from the Romans to the Jews. This was easy as few understood what was going on in the distant region of Jerusalem. With the city virtually erased from the map in 70 AD the history of everything that had gone before died with it. Under Titus the eradication of the Jews had begun with over a million killed and others fleeing from the onslaught.
This was the perfect place to nominate for the life and times of a Savior God that would enable Constantine to fool the world. After all the devastation that saw even the walls of Jerusalem completely destroyed to the foundations his mother, Helena, claimed to have found the tomb and the birthplace of Christ. She returned to Rome with what have been described as the very nails that held him to the cross and other such relics. This saw the emperor build churches over the sites to further cement his claims.
The final contradiction is that Jesus Christ was supposedly a Jew sent by God to save Israel. This completely contradicts the inheritance transferred from Jacob to Joseph's two sons and the House of Israel. Judah was not part of the inheritance (Genesis 48:15-20). Those who could not understand the writings that had been done beforehand and held in a work called the Septuagint would not have been aware of this spiritual link with the real people of God.
My research was extensive and allowed the big picture of where many of the crimes against humanity originates. The massive fraud exercised by the Roman Catholic Church is now exposed in detail

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