Are Criminals Spying On You With Your Own Webcam? It's Possible.

Webcams are everywhere. They're on buildings giving feeds on traffic, crowds, and activity. They're in homes for personal use and businesses for web conferences and presentations. For something most people have used at one time or another they can seem like toys that you have complete control over.
But what if someone could access those personal cameras without your knowledge to spy on every little thing that's going on and you do? Access to things online that most people consider private are finding their ways to the public domain without their knowledge. As today's criminals become more and more tech-savvy, the possibility of your webcam falling prey to them is increasing on a daily basis.
One new website (which has since been taken down) allowed you, your neighbor, your ex, your nemesis-anyone-to view unsecured webcams at will. While this instance is limited to one particular brand of webcam, a reader would only need to browse the comments for the article at the Gizmodo link listed at the bottom of this article to see that this is far from being an isolated glitch.
Webcams, like anything running an operating system connected to the Internet (your smartphone, laptop, house alarm), require regular updates such as software patches... like when your computer seems to annoyingly always ask you to update the system, often referencing security vulnerabilities that need patching. Although the compromised webcams seem to be limited to individual homes and certain office spaces, it's little loopholes like this that enable a thief or terrorist to establish employee patterns, learn access codes or identify possible weaknesses. If it's online, it has the potential to be seen by just about anyone if you are not careful.
Technology isn't perfect. It can fail and does. But often times user error forces its demise due to lack of proper maintenance. That's why it's important to stay alert and make sure all needed updates are downloaded and precautions are taken. Updates give technology the ability to adapt as thieves are always looking for ways to compromise the technology to their benefit. Don't let criminals use your own tools against you.
Protect your business or home by occasionally checking your webcam provider's website or making a quick call to see if there are any notifications. Webcam companies will usually offer free updates to their products that will make things hum along while keeping the devices and secure from prowling thugs.
Ray Cavanagh is the vice president of Crescent Guardian, Inc., a New Orleans-based national security firm with offices in Atlanta, Boston, Dallas and New Orleans. His company was honored with the 2012 Best Application of Technology award by the Louisiana Technology Council for their work in making Louisiana's Port Fourchon one of the most secure in the nation by way of advanced technology. He is a board member of the ASIS (American Society For Industrial Security) Physical Security Council, as well as the ASIS Physical Security For Cloud Computing Committee.

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