Domestic Violence Then And Now

Grandville : Cent Proverbes
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

 We first started writing about domestic violence over eight years ago. Then we documented what we called "One Of America's Best Kept Dirty Little Secrets" and the impact that it had on millions and millions of lives, not just the victims but the victim's families and the perpetrators.
The statistics, unfortunately, haven't changed that much in eight years. We reported that one of three women suffered from some form of physical or sexual abuse in their lives at the hands of an intimate partner. That still holds true today.
Back then, we reported that 25% of all workplace problems like absenteeism and decreased productivity were the result of domestic violence. Those statistics hold up even today. It is estimated that 10 million children worldwide are exposed to domestic violence every day, then and now.
The average number of times that a woman is hit before she reports it to the police is 35. Women with disabilities, who are pregnant or are homeless suffer a higher percentage of assaults for whatever reasons.
Poverty seems to have emerged as a major contributing factor to domestic assault as is homelessness.

On the positive side, there is something that has changed. Back then we reported that police responded differently to these calls and that jail sentences for women were more severe than their male counterparts that fortunately, is in the process of changing.
There seemed to be a double standard when it came to sentencing men and women because of domestic violence. Law enforcement officers used to treat these calls as little more than a nuisance, mostly because charges were rarely filed by the women victims.
But they have developed a much more serious approach to these calls because a domestic violence charge frequently leads to much more severe crimes down the road. In one state, recently, the number one cause of murder in the whole state for a year was domestic violence.
Where does it come from? If a child has grown up with domestic violence in his family, he is 3 to 4 times more likely to commit a domestic abuse assault as an adult. We think it's a learned trait.
Women would be well advised to develop an escape plan and learn how to defend themselves with a self-defense product to provide immediate relief in the face of an assault. A stun device or pepper spray can disable an assailant for as much is 45 minutes allowing you time to escape and seek help.
One of our Mace Pepper Sprays can give you as much as 45 minutes to escape a dangerous situation.
The Streetwise Blackout Stun Gun can put an assailant to ground for 10 minutes allowing you time to get help.
Since 2005 North American Security Products, LLC has been one of the most trusted and respected sources for bringing personal security products and valuable information on self-defense and home security with great service and competitive prices.

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