Beware - Robbers Want To Steal Your Identity

Identity Theft is the fastest growing crime in the world and criminals usually do not get caught. How would you react if you could see the robber stealing your identity? A look at this heinous crime playing out in your life could bring an understanding of the suffering and pain.
You received a bonus check from your place of work or perhaps closed an unexpected sale. With the extra money you and your family chose a shopping spree at the local mall. While driving laughter and excitement from the children and the wife filled your heart with joy.
You found the perfect parking space; close enough for a nice evening walk to the mall entrance. Three years had passed since the family shopped together. Store after store everyone bought something new, and useful. After all in the present economic climate spending with wisdom was still necessary. You paid cash for the items. Wow what a good feeling! As you left the stores and walked by the food court temptation prevailed. With the wife and four children to feed a splurge at the fast-food chains seemed logical. Each person ordered their favorite meal and it was delicious.
The Mall was closing as the family walked to the car. Star studded brilliance lit up the night sky. Oh and that big orange moon was glowing. This beauty could only be portrayed in a Hollywood movie or a fairy tale. As in all Hollywood thrillers there was a villain waiting in the shadows with a knife in hand. Suddenly the laughter stopped.
In the blink of an eye, a masked man had his arm around your wife's neck and in his other hand a knife thrust at her throat. Her face petrified with fear, she quietly urged the children to not move. The traumatic terror for their Mother's life caused the mind and body of each child to turn cold stone.
Memories from that time became an emotional blur in the family unit. The robber was never found. He violated your family of much more than gifts and money. Your wife remained safe and so had your children. Or did they? I read a quote that memories buried alive never die, they just fester and grow. What kind of impact did this incident really have on your children's lives? And how safe did your wife really feel about going shopping after this happened? Do you think you will ever forget what happened? After all you could do nothing to protect your family.
Robbers of identity theft are no different and can create a lifetime of fear. Don't let what happened to my family, happen to yours. Get busy now. Learn how to protect your identity before it's too late.
Today in these difficult financial times and tight economy there are predators lurking in the shadows of cyberspace, looking for easy targets or victims to prey upon. They search out and find their unsuspecting victims. For the most part, these predators and thieves walk away with their victims identity and are seldom caught. You can learn valuable lessons that will secure your identity. Stay informed. Become aware of your life. People who have not been attacked can learn how to protect and secure their identity. For more help

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