Human Trafficking: A Moral and Spiritual Problem

Trafficking In Persons Report Map 2010
Trafficking In Persons Report Map 2012 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There is a network of corruption that embraces a barbarity that has no resemblance to the true nature of a man with a conscience. Only the morally and spiritually degenerate could have a conscience so seared that they would carelessly buy and sell women and children into sex slavery. Victims of exploitation are precious people who a real man would choose to protect. Many of us in the fight against modern-day slavery share the same dream for freedom and justice. However long in coming, justice will prevail and freedom will ring. For every one voice; every one donation; every one rescued; every one clothed; every one restored; we are one step closer to one dream-- to end modern-day slavery. Traffickers, who enrich themselves by deliberately playing to the vulnerabilities of the weak, and oppressing those who come helplessly looking for mercy, will be brought to justice. The time is approaching when the inglorious wealth of this evil industry will have no place to be deposited or redeemed. The time will come when all the comfort of their evil shelters will be destroyed. The time will come when more men will stand against exploitation in the following ways:
  • Get in the fight to end modern-day slavery. Whatever you do will help.
  • Support the work of the people who are on the front lines of this fight. Donate time and money.
  • Commit for the long haul because this problem didn't happen overnight. We can turn the tide over time.
Men were put on this earth to protect women. Men have the power to stop human trafficking because we are the demand for this industry. Women are simply the supply, which is why women and girls are enslaved, raped, beaten, etc. No woman would ever volunteer herself to be violated; therefore, the sex trafficking industry seeks to take away her basic freedoms and dignity in order to sustain itself. This industry is an evil demon that literally disenfranchises women and girls. But it could not survive if men were not willing to participate. These victims are citizens who need us to arise and fight for their freedom. Men must reinvent the moral compass in our culture that values women as the treasures they are.
The Trafficking Victims Protection Act was first enacted in October of 2000 and continues to come up for reauthorization every few years. Reauthorization has taken place in 2003, 2005 and 2008. It's evident that no government or nation can meet this challenge alone. It's going to take every willing person's collective effort to help save the lives of an estimated 27 million people forced into labor and sex slavery. Don't minimize the importance of prayer; education and awareness; writing your congressman; or donating to anti-trafficking organizations. Whatever you choose to do matters and knowing that you can do these things right now is empowering. As constituents our voices are even more important to the disenfranchised victims who have no voice.
My family and I celebrated the New Year together, not taking for granted that we are all empowered with freedom. But many women and girls as young as my 12-year-old daughter have been stripped of that power. As we set goals for the new year to do a little bit better for ourselves, let's not forget the victims who are dependent on those of us that are free to empower them.
Author & Speaker L. Dwain Boswell:
The fight to end human trafficking, domestic abuse, & sexual exploitation is worth the effort. To read more about how you can become a champion for change follow this link:

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