Over Half of Americans Would Kill to Protect Their Loved Ones

English: Grand Duke Mikhail Yaroslavich Being ...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A new survey done by public-opinion research and media consultant company Wenzel Strategies for news outlet World Net Weekly shows unanticipated statistics in Americans' opinions when it comes to the measures necessary for survival within a serious SHTF episode.
A large percentage of those surveyed suspect that within fourteen days of a large SHTF, life-altering disaster, society would be put straight into a life-threatening, every-man-for-himself method of survival that would grow increasingly worse, and precarious, as more time elapsed. Surprisingly, a much larger number of Americans imagine that they don't need to be concerned as to what they'll do in order to get through this type of event... three out of 4 Americans believe they will be dead within two months.
Perhaps the most eye-opening stat of all however, is the fact that 58% of the Americans who were surveyed report that they "would be somewhat or very willing to kill someone if a member of their family was under attack in an emergency" scenario. 50% of that group feel as if within a couple weeks of a major situation, they would be required to protect themselves, their homes, and/or their family members from attacks by what those in the survival preparedness community call "The Golden Horde" -- looters, refugees and other people who have become desperate for things like food, water, medical necessities and gasoline. Just 14% of those questioned said they'd by no means be willing to kill an attacker, no matter what the circumstances.
Fritz Wenzel, head of Wenzel Strategies, warned WND: "Our survey shows that, in the face of this reality, very few Americans are taking steps themselves to prepare for the worst possible scenario." A fact that is glaringly not logical - if we're so convinced something monumental is going to go down, then why is it that most people simply will not prepare for it? Only 11% of individuals polled think of themselves doomsday preppers, while 24% assert they aren't preppers but have an acquaintance who is, and 62% indicating they don't know anyone that they would consider a prepper.
Also interesting, albeit of questionable relevance, is that among preppers close to two times as many are Republicans than are Democrats.
Over fifty percent of the respondents polled stated they expect that a dissolution into social anarchy would happen rather quickly following a major, SHTF disaster. The consensus being that the breakdown of utilities such as the electrical grid would be the main cause for violence amongst survivors.
It's become disturbingly clear that although a significant portion of the American populace concurs that a sizeable catastrophe is imminent, very few individuals have taken the survival preparedness steps recommended to learn how to do without the luxuries and conveniences of modern day life.
John Issac Elm is a freelance writer and the founder of the survival preparedness blog SurvivalPrepHQ. Check out his blog for more interesting, informative articles.

Religious Lies and Crimes Against Humanity

English: Goran Hadzic, erstwhile leader of the...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Organisations that mislead, gather in funds on the basis that they speak for God and literally force their communities into inhumane acts are breeding grounds for crimes against humanity. The three major religions are all guilty of it. The biggest crime they conduct is to 'forgive sins' and whitewash the act as being performed in the will of God. Thus we see history is full of horrible activities by these powers and the countless number of dead they have sanctified is a wakeup call.
Hardly a day goes by that something from the past does not haunt me and chief among these ghosts is the burning alive of people. Innocent victims condemned by religious fathers for doing nothing more than probably aiding a sick person who subsequently got better and labelled witches. The Catholic Church was expanding its control over an awakening Europe and Britain when this atrocity was occurring.
In today's world we see the results of forced adherence to religious domination. Not only through the terrorism that is running amuck in Muslim countries and spilling over into other places where hatred is dominant but in the overpopulation and illegal migration as people try to escape to a better life.
The religious mind is brainwashed, tormented, confused and largely ignorant of facts to allow common sense decisions. Fundamentalism is murderous and beyond recovery as the things that bind it to a belief is stronger than anything that might correct it.
The threat of hell is its biggest weapon and that is enough to drive those who believe in it to insanity. The reward of heaven is the counterpart that persuades and weakens someone's resolve. The pressure of those societies so controlled to conform and accept is a wall of such immense size that no one can escape from it. Religions have trapped their people in a jail of such immensity that escape is almost impossible and the bars of iron of which it is built comprise nothing more than one's own imagination.
My contribution to world peace is to publish my research in such a way that it is free to all and that it can make a difference to those who have ears to hear and their eyes open. The crimes against humanity that slip under the radar in the name of God must be stopped. While people hide behind bars of iron to stop the truth from coming out this world is doomed.

Information About Private Investigators

A man speaking on a mobile telephone
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Private Investigators and private detectives use many methods to gain the correct result depending on the investigation they are working on. To perform any investigations investigators will use various types of techniques such as; Surveillance or Traces. When conducting traces investigators have to be very careful they don't break the data protection act, most information private investigators use are open directories that anybody can use. To conduct surveillance they will plot up at the subjects best known addresses, i.e. Home, work, or any regular place they visit. They will then follow the subject and record anything they think is necessary.
Most Detective Agencies will offer many services including; Corporate, Executive, Pre-employment verification, Background checks, Statement taking, Tracing and many more. Private investigators will also support personal injury cases, insurance claims and fraud, child custody, tracking missing persons and matrimonial cases.
The duties of a private investigator solely depend on the requirements that the client is after. For example, a case came in to an investigator where he has been asked to conduct covert observations to see if the 'subject' is as injured as they are claiming. Cause of action for an investigator will be to carry out 'covert observations' and covertly film the subject. The investigator will need to know details of the injury, so the investigators can focus on that part of the body more. Private investigators save millions each year on personal injury and fraudulent claims.
Private investigators are often specialized in a certain field, such as; surveillance or tracing. Not all private investigators are able to carry out covert surveillance some mainly focus their work on; process serving and other areas of the industry, they will normally sub-contracted surveillance jobs out to firms who specialize in that area. To become a specialist in covert surveillance you will need training and experience, although they are a lot of new investigators entering the industry which is massively growing they normally don't last very long and don't get the bigger jobs.
If you are looking at hiring a private detective they is a lot of research that needs to be done, the industry is massively over populated and they are many complaints of investigators not getting the right result, being compromised offering illegal services and so on. The internet is a massive tool in finding out the legit companies to the not so legit organizations.
Private Investigators are also known as; Private detectives, Enquiry agents, process servers, detective agencies and detectives.
Dukeries Detective Agency Ltd are private investigators that have been established since 1972 - over 40 years of service! We operate throughout the United Kingdom but with offices in the East Midlands and our head office in Nottingham.
You can email us on; information@enquiryagent.co.uk or visit our website at; http://www.enquiryagent.co.uk please don't hesitate to contact us.

Persuasive Techniques That Smart Lawyers Use in Court

19th century painting of lawyers, by French ar...
19th century painting of lawyers, by French artist Honoré Daumier (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Being a good lawyer requires a wide range of skills from having a comprehensive knowledge of the law, to being able to speak and perform well in front of an audience. They need to come up with a great strategy that weaves together the most useful facts and relevant laws and they need to be great at working with people and easing the concerns of a range of different clients.
Ultimately though, the main goal of any criminal lawyer is to persuade - to persuade the judge as well as the jury that their client is innocent. This means using the facts well, but it also means using subtle psychological techniques that can help to win over their audience - much the same as marketers and pickup artists might. Here are a few of the most powerful persuasive tools that lawyers can use.
The human brain responds well to repetition as it sounds confident and confirms something we've already heard as true. In one study it was found that waiters who repeated the orders they took to their customers would on average receive a 10% better tip. Lawyers can use this effect by repeating key points in their case, or by repeating what their witnesses and clients say in order to give it more authority.
When we communicate, the vocabulary we use is really on part of the story and unconsciously we will be paying a huge amount of attention to more subtle body language cues. This includes a range of little signs that can make someone seem more truthful - for instance when someone nods their head as they talk. If a lawyer wants to make their case more convincing then, simply using a subtle nod of the head as they emphasise could help to do just that.
Asking Questions
Aristotle was a great philosopher and the mentor of Plato. He had several ideas that helped him to achieve his historical status, but one of the most popular is the 'Aristotle technique' which basically means using questions to avoid directly answering awkward questions. For instance then, if someone says 'where were you at 3pm?', answering using the Aristotle technique could mean saying 'why does it matter?' or 'what are you implying?'. Of course when used in defence this needs to be done subtly as it can otherwise be spotted by astute lawyers and prosecutors.
Leading Questions and Assumptions
Likewise savvy lawyers can also use leading questions and assumptions to stack the decks in their favour. A classic study in psychology involves showing participants a video of a car crash and then asking them to estimate how fast the other car was going in two conditions. In the first condition the experimenter will ask 'how fast was the red car going when it bumped into the blue car?' while in the second they ask 'how fast was the red car going when it smashed into the blue car?'. Surprise, surprise the participants in the second group would estimate the speed as being significantly higher than those in the first group.
Smart lawyers have lots of techniques they can use to help you in court. If you have been convicted of driving whilst suspended Melbourne or another crime, then click here to get legal help.

New Testament Lies and Deceit

(Photo credit: Silver Bromide)

The authorship of the New Testament is one of confusion unless the research is done to prove otherwise. It was during my research into the origin of language and religion that led me to uncover the facts about its origin and they are nothing like what religion teaches. Instead there was a conspiracy afoot to change the nature of God from that portrayed in the Old Testament, or Septuagint, into a man whom the Roman emperor Constantine desired for his own benefits.
The Roman Catholic Church was established by him in 325 AD and it was in complete disharmony with the men who came together at that meeting. They were all sun worshippers who struggled with notions of the Trinity and a birth of a proposed prophet, namely Jesus Christ. They sought answers about how God could be three in one and also if the Son of God was born then where did it happen, how did it happen and when did it happen?
There were no answers to any of these questions. There were also no guidelines to follow so they went back to their respective territories and continued as before. The survival of his organisation forced Constantine to issue decrees for people to worship the cross and the appointed saviour or they were badly tortured or killed. Many were sent to the salt mines while others were blinded or worse.
He built churches in Jerusalem after his mother, Helena, decided on places to nominate as the birth place and crucifixion sites. She returned to Rome with what she declared were the nails that held Jesus Christ to the cross. That was 300 years after the event supposedly happened and after the Romans, under Titus, had completely raised the city to the ground. He also build the Vatican over the temple of Jupiter. The bricks were etched with his initials CC for Claudius Constantine.
His reign of terror did not cease with his death in 337 AD as his son and heir continued the persecution and sought the survival of the religion at all costs. Towards the end of the century the then Bishop of Rome, Damasus, appointed Jerome, a scholar of some renown, to strengthen the Church by giving it credibility and a book that all could work by.
Jerome structured the establishment by setting up feast days, instruments and costumes borrowed from the Imperial Roman religion, another sun worshipping faith. To this day the costumes of the hierarchy still hold images of the sun's rays as do the instruments. He also formulated the laws of the church that are detailed in the Book of Matthew in the New Testament.
His assistant in the production of the New Testament was Augustus, who resisted in Alexandria in Egypt. One sees his hand in the Book of Luke.
Jerome left notes in his diary and letters to Damasus explaining how he changed the Old Testament by adding passages to make it conform to the new one. He also decided on what he considered were true documents to incorporate or copy. In point of fact the conspiracy of which he was a major part was to alter the nature of God from Spirit to a man who was supposedly persecuted and killed by the Romans.
It was also the desire of the religious cohorts to reinforce the notions of heaven and hell and that the Church was appointed by their prophet to speak for and on behalf of the dead Christ. This is still maintained by the organisation that engages in protecting criminals from prosecution and that influences the world with its doctrines.
My research gained momentum with the discovery of a record of documents concerning the bible lies held in the Vatican archives. They proved the conspiracy engaged in by the Roman Catholic Church and the crimes against humanity it engages in.

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Some Quick Tips That Can Save You From a Driving Ticket

Getting a driving ticket is one of those horrible stresses that can really ruin our day. While the laws of course exist for a reason and it's important for us to try and follow them, it's just all-too easy much of the time for us to slip up and make a mistake or to forget for a moment what you are doing. Here we will look at some quick tips that can help you to avoid these mistakes and the hefty fine that often comes with them.
Drive When You're Most Alert
Driving very tired and distracted is often almost as bad as driving drunk and can lead to the same number of mistakes/decreased reflexes. If it's little mistakes you're trying to avoid, then you need to be as on the ball as possible and this means making sure that you are awake and alert and that you also have the best possible visibility from your vehicle.
Defensive Driving
Defensive driving means driving in such a way that you are able to avoid interruptions and obstructions. For instance then this involves driving more slowly and hanging back from the cars in front of you rather than following them too closely behind. This ensures you have more opportunity to react to the vehicles directly in front of you and are less likely to crash should they stop suddenly for instance. Likewise it involves hanging back at cross roads and roundabouts rather than 'risking it' by pulling out and potentially forcing yourself and other traffic to have to stop. This kind of cautious driving can help to prevent accidents, but may also help you to reach your destination more quickly and even to be more fuel efficient.
Familiarise Yourself With the Laws and Speed Limits: Of course if you are hoping to stick to the law when you're driving and avoid a ticket, then you need to ensure that you actually know what those laws are. Driving laws can vary from region to region, so you need to ensure that you are familiar with the laws specific to the area you're visiting and that you look out for signs and warnings.
Don't Risk It: Let's be honest - there are times that many of us choose to 'risk it'. Who hasn't at some point come very close to running a light just as it changes because they're in a hurry? Or parked their car somewhere when they're unsure that it's actually legal to leave it there? Many of us do it, but it's a big mistake as in the long run it can result in a lot more 'hassle' than just being careful to start with. If ever you're unsure - play it safe.
Stay Calm: Just as tiredness can cause us to make silly mistakes, so too can being very stressed or even angry. Managing your emotions and learning to stay calm is an important way to avoid making rash decisions or missing the obvious, so take some time to learn breathing techniques and other methods of keeping a level head.
If you do get into trouble on the roads, or get caught driving whilst suspended then you can always use a lawyer. Click here to find someone who can help.

What Is The Source Of Cruelty And Other Inhuman Action?

There is probably a side to your self which you have no wish to be. Although you may not always recognise this in yourself when you see it, you probably do recognise many forms of the shadowy side of human behaviour in others: someone being heartless, spiteful, nasty, cruel, or even brutal. A task for personal growth is to learn to recognise the undesirable side of oneself. Hence the phrase most frequently employed by Jungian psychotherapists is `coming to terms with the shadow'. Jung was well aware of the reality of evil in human life.
Denial of evil
However, with a few other notable exceptions, psychologists and psychiatrists have, until recently, traditionally steered clear of speaking of evil per se. This despite the fact that virtually every culture has some word for evil.
"Most of us try hard to deny or avoid the reality of evil: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Or we attempt to neutralize it, dismissing evil as maya or illusion, as in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. It is tempting to deny the reality of evil entirely, due to its inherent subjectivity and relativity: 'For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so,' says Shakespeare's Hamlet, presaging the cognitive therapies of Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck." (Stephen A. Diamond, clinical & forensic psychologist)
Some inhuman actions in history
When Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in October 1935 with fantasies of wealth and revenge for Italy's defeat there forty years previously, he ordered poison gas to be sprayed indiscriminately from the air on military and civilian targets alike.
In Spain, Franco suppressed those, with different views from his own, through censorship and coercion, the imprisonment of ideological enemies in concentration camps, the implementation of forced labour in prisons, and the use of the death penalty and heavy prison sentences as deterrents for the opponents of the regime. There was killing of an undetermined number of political opponents.
Stalin's son Yakov shot himself because of Stalin's harshness toward him. Stalin had several painters shot who did not depict him "right".
Historians have estimated Stalin's regime killed millions of people. Vadim Erlikman, for example, makes the following estimates: executions - 1.5 million; gulags - 5 million; deportations - 1.7 million out of 7.5 million deported; and POWs and German civilians - 1 million: thus a total of about 9 million victims of Stalin's repression.
Is illness the cause of inhuman behaviour?
What is the cause of such appalling behaviour? Surely not just ignorant carelessness of the pain one can cause others? Those who take a benign view of human nature as basically good wonder if criminality of the worst kind must be due to illness?
Hitler was the author of the death of six million Jews, countless soldiers and civilians on both sides killed. These are the actions of a mass murderer. Serious medical biographers conclude that Hitler wasn't mentally ill. Whether his beliefs were rational is an entirely different matter. Books by like those of Henrik Eberle Was Hitler Ill? and Fritz Redlick Hitler: Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet conclude that he was sane according to any reasonable definition of the term, and fully responsible for his actions. I would say he had a passion for more greatness or power and no concern for anybody else than himself.
Swedenborg on the source of inhuman behaviour
In the West we are familiar with the notion of an afterlife of individual existence in a state of heaven or hell. Hell has traditionally been seen by Christians as a place of punishment as a result of God's judgment. However a very different view is that a forgiving and loving deity would condemn no-one to a hellish state of existence as a result of any wrongdoing on earth. This approach suggests that although hell is not part of the divine plan nevertheless it is permitted as an inner state of heart and mind shared with others because it is actually preferred by some people, for then they can live within the same sphere as others who likewise want to be cruel and selfish and act in other inhuman ways.
This different view comes from Emanuel Swedenborg. He claimed that subjectively he was able to become conscious of an invisible realm in which his spirit existed and that as part of his journey within a spirit world he encountered some very unpleasant individuals. Many of these self-centred spirit people wanted to be obeyed and praised and were quick to feel slighted feeling various shades of contempt, vengefulness, nastiness and cruelty. The caring unselfish ones however had the opposite feelings.
But how does this account for inhuman actions in the world?
Swedenborg claimed that whilst the presence of these spirit people within his mind had become conscious, it usually remains unconscious with the rest of us. He says that spirit communicators had confirmed his experience that:
  • The spirits of self-centred people as well as that of caring ones are unconsciously present with every one of us as we live our lives in the material world.
  • Normally, these spirit people are totally unaware that they are with us as separate entities. Likewise we normally are unaware of them.
  • They therefore believe that what we remember and think is actually their own memories and thoughts. Likewise we identify their feelings as our own.
  • Because both sets of unconscious influences are balanced within our hearts and minds, we each have inner freedom to think and intend well or badly, honestly or dishonestly, fairly or unfairly. The source of our caring or nasty impulses arises outside of ourselves. We are responsible however for which way we face. We can open ourselves up to the negative or turn our face against it, taking instead on board the positive.
And so Swedenborg's spiritual theory not only accounts for inhuman desires but also our freedom and responsibility to make the right personal choices.
Copyright 2013 Stephen Russell-Lacy
As a clinical psychologist, Stephen Russell-Lacy has specialised in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, working for many years with adults suffering distress and disturbance.
He edits Spiritual Questions a free eZine that explores links between spiritual philosophy and the comments and questions of spiritual seekers. You can share your views and find out more about making sense of life.
His book Heart, Head and Hands draws links between the psycho-spiritual teachings of the eighteenth century spiritual philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg and current ideas in therapy and psychology.

New Testament Lies and Deceit

The authorship of the New Testament is one of confusion unless the research is done to prove otherwise. It was during my research into the origin of language and religion that led me to uncover the facts about its origin and they are nothing like what religion teaches. Instead there was a conspiracy afoot to change the nature of God from that portrayed in the Old Testament, or Septuagint, into a man whom the Roman emperor Constantine desired for his own benefits.
The Roman Catholic Church was established by him in 325 AD and it was in complete disharmony with the men who came together at that meeting. They were all sun worshippers who struggled with notions of the Trinity and a birth of a proposed prophet, namely Jesus Christ. They sought answers about how God could be three in one and also if the Son of God was born then where did it happen, how did it happen and when did it happen?
There were no answers to any of these questions. There were also no guidelines to follow so they went back to their respective territories and continued as before. The survival of his organisation forced Constantine to issue decrees for people to worship the cross and the appointed saviour or they were badly tortured or killed. Many were sent to the salt mines while others were blinded or worse.
He built churches in Jerusalem after his mother, Helena, decided on places to nominate as the birth place and crucifixion sites. She returned to Rome with what she declared were the nails that held Jesus Christ to the cross. That was 300 years after the event supposedly happened and after the Romans, under Titus, had completely raised the city to the ground. He also build the Vatican over the temple of Jupiter. The bricks were etched with his initials CC for Claudius Constantine.
His reign of terror did not cease with his death in 337 AD as his son and heir continued the persecution and sought the survival of the religion at all costs. Towards the end of the century the then Bishop of Rome, Damasus, appointed Jerome, a scholar of some renown, to strengthen the Church by giving it credibility and a book that all could work by.
Jerome structured the establishment by setting up feast days, instruments and costumes borrowed from the Imperial Roman religion, another sun worshipping faith. To this day the costumes of the hierarchy still hold images of the sun's rays as do the instruments. He also formulated the laws of the church that are detailed in the Book of Matthew in the New Testament.
His assistant in the production of the New Testament was Augustus, who resisted in Alexandria in Egypt. One sees his hand in the Book of Luke.
Jerome left notes in his diary and letters to Damasus explaining how he changed the Old Testament by adding passages to make it conform to the new one. He also decided on what he considered were true documents to incorporate or copy. In point of fact the conspiracy of which he was a major part was to alter the nature of God from Spirit to a man who was supposedly persecuted and killed by the Romans.
It was also the desire of the religious cohorts to reinforce the notions of heaven and hell and that the Church was appointed by their prophet to speak for and on behalf of the dead Christ. This is still maintained by the organisation that engages in protecting criminals from prosecution and that influences the world with its doctrines.
My research gained momentum with the discovery of a record of documents concerning the bible lies held in the Vatican archives. They proved the conspiracy engaged in by the Roman Catholic Church and the crimes against humanity it engages in.

Wildfire Pepper Spray - Why Is It So Effective?

Last week a woman was attacked in her neighborhood entering her apartment complex. The assailant grabbed her from behind and tossed her to the ground. He tried to cut off the victim's pants with a knife. She was able to spray him in the face with a pepper spray. He took off but the police are still looking for him. Her life was saved by a defensive spray.
Yesterday when I was getting gas at my local Costco, the attendant asked me about defensive sprays and told me a story about her friend who was attacked when she was at a downtown nightclub. She used a defensive spray to defend against the assailant.
These stories provide evidence about how defensive spray can be effective as the first line of defense in an assault situation. When it comes to assault prevention, pepper spray is still the most effective self-defense product you can use.
What makes it so effective? They use a derivative of one of the hottest peppers, cayenne pepper, called oleoresin capsicum or OC. It swells up the membranes in the nose which makes breathing difficult. It also swells the veins of the eyes causing the eyes to close. There's coughing, tearing and shortness of breath. Did I mention there's intense pain?
Most of these sprays are rated at 2 million Scoville Heat Units (SHU) a measurement of hotness in pepper sprays.
Wildfire, on the other hand, has 3 million SHU's so it is fifty percent more effective than normal sprays. It is a non-toxic, non-flammable and non-lethal alternative to deadly force.
Wildfire has more size choices and disbursement method choices like pepper gel, spray and mist than any other spray. It comes in sizes from 1/2 ounce all away up to 16 ounce with the pistol grip. Not only is wildfire more effective than most sprays but is actually less expensive.
Many people mistakenly think that crime can only happen to someone else. I have seen it time and time again in my nearly 6 years experience selling self-defense products. You maybe lucky some of the time but sooner or later chances are pretty good that you're going to be a victim. Don't be paranoid-be prepared!
And remember that pepper spray is legal in all states but some states have restrictions on pepper sprays. Check the Internet or your local sheriff's department first before you get one. We don't want you getting into trouble.
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Home Security - Why Home Invasions Are So Dangerous

It is hard to calculate why home burglary and home invasions are one of the few areas of crime that are on the increase. Law enforcement officials will tell you it's because of the economy. When the economy is in a prolonged recession like we have some people get desperate and choose to commit low risk crimes. Burglary is one of the leaders in low risk crimes. Even if you do get caught the penalties are laughable.
The way a home burglar operates is he is unarmed and picks a house that he knows is not occupied. He doesn't want any confrontation. As a matter fact he doesn't want anybody to see him.
That's why he looks for homes that have hiding places around lower-level doors and windows. He looks for neighborhoods that don't have a neighborhood watch program in effect. And he looks for homes that don't have any obvious signs of resistance-like a home security sign or an NRA sticker. And he has plenty of homes to choose from.
The motivation for a home invasion is very different. It usually involves two or more people one or more of them can be armed with a deadly weapon. So right away the penalty for getting caught is much more severe.
The targets of homes for home invasions are usually drug-related. If you don't believe me look at the police blotter in your city or talk to a police officer. Chances are pretty high that if there's a home invasion there are drugs involved.
There's one other thing that's involved and that is a chance of a violent crime being committed. That is why home invasions are so dangerous. The perpetrators deliberately pick a home that they know is occupied and use force to get in. In nearly 40 percent of all home invasions there is another crime committed like assault, rape or even murder.
As insidious as home invasions are there are some time-tested ways to prevent them from happening. An ounce of prevention in this case is worth much more than a pound of cure.
1. Use the peephole in your front door. Always know who you are opening the door for before you open it. If you wait until it's open, it's too late.
2. Install a home security surveillance system with one camera over your front door and one at your back door. You can install it so that you can see on your television screen who is at your front door before you open it.
Those two tips are invaluable and will help prevent a home burglary or home invasion in the first place or in the alternative if they do get into your house their picture will be used for the police to identify them.
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The Growing Elder Abuse Epidemic And What You Can Do About It

Maybe you've seen the statistics: a baby boomer reaches retirement age every 10 seconds. Soon seniors over 65 will outnumber younger (under 65) citizens. What exactly does it mean to you? Well if you understand the way Social Security works, the people who pay into the account (working folks under 65) support the people who are drawing money from the account-namely seniors.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that sooner or later the stress on Social Security will put it under. Medicare, the mandatory insurance program for seniors is rapidly bankrupting the country. So something's got to give there too.
On another level seniors are living longer thanks to advances in medicine. That places even more stress on Social Security and Medicare.
When seniors can no longer live by themselves they need to look to nursing homes and long-term care facilities-the most commonly used places for seniors to spend their final days. These facilities are augmented by a new phenomenon called adult homes and other names.
They are basically private homes that rent out rooms to seniors. These facilities are nothing more than a moneymaking opportunity for the homeowners. They often fall short on the care part.
There is another alternative for seniors and that is home healthcare. This gives seniors the opportunity to stay in their own home and have either a full or part-time caregiver come into the home. Some even have live-in caregivers. This is a popular alternative.
The most commonly used alternative is a nursing home or long-term care facility. These facilities are plagued by several problems. First, there is a shortage of beds. That is why these alternative options have become so popular. Long-term care facilities and nursing homes are extremely expensive and with a shortage of beds, all that does is drive the cost up.
Second, there is a shortage of qualified staff. With all the publicity about high unemployment the healthcare field can't find enough qualified staff. Nursing schools are booming. Schools that train healthcare workers are booming. There is still a shortage of qualified employees.
There is stress on these facilities and pressure to hire someone, anyone, even if they're not necessarily qualified. They take shortcuts in the hiring process that can lead to hiring employees of questionable character.
A recent study showed that 9 out of 10 healthcare facilities have one or more convicted felons. 60 percent of those places had two or more employees with a criminal record. Is that scary enough for you?
Not long ago studies were done that showed that elder abuse occurred and as many as 60 percent of all nursing homes. That kind of abuse can be anything from physical, verbal, psychological abuse, withholding of medications, credit card fraud, mistreatment and any kind of abuse you can imagine.
Texas is first state that has authorized the use of surveillance cameras in the rooms of our elders to prevent the growing problem of elder abuse.
The best two ways to prevent abuse of your parents in a nursing home is to arrange for frequent visits by friends, family, church members, neighbors or anybody go check up on the patient. The second way and maybe the most foolproof way is to install a hidden camera in the room of your parents. This way if anything unusual is happening it will be caught on a video image.
Frequently if there is anything going on it can result in a "he said, she said" situation, but if he have visual proof of what is happening it is easy to prosecute and more importantly protect your parents.
A hidden spy camera with a built-in DVR is the easiest way to get that image.
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